Wednesday 9 March 2011

Tuesday, 12th April, 1949

Dear Diary

I am simply beside myself with sheer excitement! At last my new fashion boutique is opening today! It most certainly was a mighty task to convert the back room of the hair salon into a fabulous fashion boutique! I wonder if the other girls who work for me at the hairdressers, Doreen, Anne- Marie, Grace and Lucy are fully prepared for the sheer delights that await them?  They are going to be simply beside themselves once they see the collection not to mention some super evening gowns, pencil skirts and the most divine lingerie.

I’ll have to keep my eye on those girls, borrowing items is one thing but we must make sure that there’s always something new on the rail for the customers to look at!  There’ll be so much to do today at the grand opening gala as I’ve invited the whole of London to come along and browse through my super collection. I’m putting out a splendid spread of tea and cake so my regular ‘rinse, curl and set’ ladies will definitely enjoy a tasty treat whilst mingling with my dashing new clientele.

The timing of my new venture couldn’t be more perfect because our dear Prime Minister, Clement Atlee, announced the end of clothes rationing on the 15th of March!  After eight long years of having to make do and mend, at last we can look forward to indulging ourselves with some super luxurious fabrics! Imagine the possibilities! I’m thinking about experimenting with new design ideas for some fully pleated and swishing skirts. Oh I can’t wait to enjoy the freedom and luxury to use yards and yards of gorgeous fabrics without worrying about using up all of my ration coupons. Now it really does feel like the war is finally over and it’s high time that we look forward to a brighter future and the prospect of some jolly times ahead!

So glad to have a few more sunny days, now that spring has arrived. It’s rather delightful to see some bright yellow daffodils blossoming in the park. If only romance would blossom for me this year and that I’ll finally get to meet Mr Right. I really can’t bring myself to have to endure any more disastrous dinner dates.  What was I thinking when I agreed to let Thomas Dudley take me out to dinner last week?  I know he’s a hard working, honest chap and runs a good business with the motor mechanic workshop across the road from the hair salon.  But his hands were such a disgrace!  One would have thought that Mr Dudley should have at least tried to scrub the engine oil away from underneath his fingernails, before taking a lady out to dinner?  Naturally, I declined his offer to take me to the cinema for a second date, I certainly wouldn’t have appreciated those mucky hands finding their way to my stocking tops whilst attempting a snuggle on the back row.  Poor chap, hopefully he’ll learn from his awful mishap and make more of an effort next time he’s got his eye on someone.