Saturday 14 July 2012

Saturday, 14th July 1950

Dear Diary,

For heaven’s sake! Sometimes I do despair with the males of our species, just what do they want?  I know it must have been absolutely shocking for them to endure the long war years far away from wives and sweethearts. Mind you, we gals had to make sacrifices too but at least we tried to stay faithful to one man at a time! 

A certain ‘gentleman’ (who shall remain nameless) absolutely charmed the socks off me when he popped into the hair salon the other day, asking for directions.  In retrospect I should have directed him straight to Dudley’s garage across the road and not bothered myself with the fellow at all. 

Of course he was the very personification of Prince Charming, smartly dressed with a sensual smile and wavy shock of blonde hair that shone like gold in the sunlight, as he casually brushed it away from his piercing blue eyes. His voice was elegant and educated, inquiring so very politely after the nearest Post Office. I directed him to the High Street, yet he held my gaze quite intently and smiled so sweetly that I just knew he wasn’t listening to a word I said.  He persuaded me to tell him my name and with a dramatic gesture he gallantly kissed my hand, then continued merrily on his way.

After about an hour, he returned triumphantly with a whicker basket in hand and invited me to the Park to share a delightful picnic with him.  Well what could I say? The other salon girls chuckled together insisting that I should go and take the afternoon off, I gave in eventually and hastily changed into the Rodeo halter neck dress for an instant dash of chic.

The picnic was a marvelous spread of cucumber and boiled egg sandwiches, pickled beetroot, and fresh strawberries with cream, washed down with a bottle of ginger beer. Heaven knows where he got the blanket and the picnic basket from.  He was such an entertaining fellow, remarkably well read and articulate, I was completely enchanted by his sparkling personality. I found myself falling for his charms and started to wonder if Mr. Right had finally breezed his way towards my heart.

However, the fantasy was soon shattered when two innocent young ladies happened to be strolling through the Park.  As they passed by my date called out, inviting them to join us on the blanket. The ladies certainly didn’t mean to intrude but I’m afraid to say that he gave them no choice! He was so dashing and attentive, using the same complimentary casa nova charm that he used on me. Well I never! I was utterly dumbstruck and totally indignant at such an overt display of flirtatiousness. Obviously one gorgeous girl wasn’t quite enough for this chap! I decided that enough was enough, so I picked up my handbag and expertly swung it around to smack his chops with a satisfying thwack, as I departed promptly with my head held high!  

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