Saturday 7 April 2012

Betty's Secret Diary - Saturday, 7th April 1950

Dear Diary,

Oh heavens to Betsy! I couldn’t help but feel more than a little nervous about meeting Tex Deckman at his friend’s photography studio this afternoon. I was in such a quandary about what to wear, so I just threw on the black Dita Skirt with a black Sarah Jane blouse and an overcoat. I decided that I should play it safe and take a whole suitcase of clothes to ensure the luxury of multiple choices for the photo shoot.

Tex greeted me warmly at the front door of a Camden address. He chatted excitedly about apertures and focus rings as he dragged my suitcase up a set of rickety stairs. We finally entered an attic studio with dramatic windows that extended over the roof, allowing the sunshine to illuminate the scene. Tex said that the first job was to put the kettle on.

After only a small sip of his tea, he busied himself setting up the camera and tripod. So I opened up my suitcase and proceeded to select an outfit. However, Tex insisted that I looked absolutely perfect in the skirt and blouse that I was already wearing. He became rather dashing as he explained about the importance of capturing a natural look to reveal the personality of a subject. So, happily I went along with his subtle directions and I really started to enjoy myself, posing as Tex snapped away with his camera.

After a while we took a break and we made another cup of tea. But clumsily Tex spilled my tea all over my blouse!! The tea was so hot I had no choice but to take it off pretty quick before my skin was scolded. The saucy devil started winking at me again! I must say he seemed jolly thrilled to see my Kiss Me Deadly Jolie bra.

Tex insisted that it was absolutely imperative to finish the roll of film and we had to hurry before we lost the light. Oh my! But because my blouse was completely soaking wet why not focus on the lingerie as a photographic subject? Well, he made it all sound so frightfully tasteful and artistic, so I dared myself to have a go. Tex suggested raising my skirt a little to show off my stocking tops for a low angle shot. Ooh! We did giggle when I nearly teetered over on my high heels. Eventually, my skirt disappeared completely to reveal the matching Kiss Me Deadly Jolie suspender belt and briefs.

Tex was over the moon! As he wound up the film roll inside the camera I thought he was about to kiss me, but instead complimented me on a first class performance as a photographer’s model.  Hmm, I quite like the sound of that!

Visit Betty’s fabulous fashion boutique here….