Saturday 22 September 2012

Saturday, 22nd September 1950

Dear Diary,

Oh dear sweet William!  Well I’m afraid that I won’t be seeing him again in a hurry, what a frightful bore! I must say I am rather disappointed because we did share some swell times together and I thought that there might be some romantic potential. We met on the dodgems at the fun the fair not long ago and got to know each other much better over a glass of stout in the pub. Wills has been treating me like a queen on outings and dinner dates, always bringing delightful little gifts; a single red rose or a luxury chocolate wrapped in gold foil, oh how thoughtful. William certainly knows how to woo a gal.

Nevertheless, his true colours were shamelessly revealed when he invited me to that speakeasy last night. I wanted to contribute something to the party so I decided to have a go at Great Aunt Matilda’s recipe for beetroot cake. I’m quite certain that I followed the recipe to the letter. I mixed the ingredients with the grated beetroot and popped the cake in the oven for 55 minutes just as it was written down in the recipe. I thought I had time to dash to the corner shop whilst the cake was in the oven. However, when I returned home the kitchen was thick with smoke and the cake was on fire! Oh fiddlesticks! What a disaster and such a mess!

Well, I had no choice but to arrive empty handed at the party. The front door of the house was on the latch, so I let myself in and made a spectacular entrance wearing the Beverly dress by Heartbreaker Fashion. It was almost like a scene from the movies when the screen siren enters the room, everyone stops talking for a moment and the men are hopelessly entranced. Of course that’s why this dress is known as the Heartbreaker, because a dramatic impact is always guaranteed!

Happily, one chatty fellow, (I’m assuming the host) approached bearing a tray of overfull sherry glasses, so I politely took one although it was rather sticky and unpleasant. Another chap invited me to choose a gramophone record, but I gracefully declined on account of my sticky fingers. Two young lads came breezing in from the next room and took turns to sweep me into a relay of twirling along to the jazz records, the party really started to swing! Suddenly, it seemed as if the whole party decided to get up and dance!

The music was turned up even louder for the jitterbug, so the petticoats were flying! Just then I caught a glimpse of William, desperately pushing his way through the crowded room with a reddened face like thunder. What on earth was the matter with him? It all happened in a trice! William launched into a frenzied attack of jealousy and completely floored my dance partner with one almighty punch to the jaw! What a disgrace! That was absolutely uncalled for, I was only dancing with the poor fellow and he most certainly didn’t deserve that!

Visit Betty’s fabulous fashion boutique and read more from her secret diary here: