Monday 20 February 2012

Monday, 20th February 1950

Dear Diary,

Well indeed, I must say I am rather baffled.  What should have been a perfectly romantic evening with Squadron Leader Jeremy Hunt has ended in complete disaster!  I am utterly confounded by Jeremy’s behaviour, surely it can’t be anything that I’ve done to upset him and heaven knows what the trouble is?

Jeremy seemed cheerful enough this evening when he came to pick me up in his red Morgan convertible. Luckily, I was ready long before Jeremy arrived, so with only three toots on the horn, I was whisked away into the night.  We motored around London’s West End for a jolly spree before parking outside a cinema.  They were showing a re-run of ‘Brief Encounter’ starring Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson.  Jeremy hadn’t seen it the first time around so I had to solemnly swear not to tell him what happens during the film.  I felt goose bumps as Jeremy paid 6d for two seats on the back row.

Jeremy had his arm around me throughout the PathĂ© News reel and when the Usherette arrived during the interval he was quick to get ahead of the rush to queue for a packet of cigarettes.  He returned triumphantly smoking a filter tip and offered me a boiled sweet from within a crumpled brown paper bag. We settled down to watch the main feature.

Towards the middle of the film I noticed Jeremy becoming rather a fidget.  He seemed so engrossed with the heart-wrenching story of the couple meeting secretly away from their spouses at the railway station cafĂ©.  He was most definitely biting his nails during some of the more emotional scenes.  I couldn’t help it but I was starting to feel neglected. I foolishly assumed that Jeremy had no intention of actually watching the film.  After all, why go to the trouble of paying extra for back row seats?  I decided to take matters into my own hands and so gently squeezed Jeremy’s thigh in the hope that he would respond with affection.  Unfortunately, what was intended to be subtle and seductive became awkward and fumbled.  Suddenly, Jeremy jumped to his feet and made a hasty exit.  I was thoroughly mortified!  Oh dear, could I have really offended him so?

After a few moments I decided to go to find out what on earth was the matter with the poor chap.  I eventually found him, flustered and pacing up and down in the foyer smoking cigarettes like a trouper.  Jeremy took me in his arms so tenderly and held me close, saying that he’s been so awfully selfish and that I deserve much better. What was he trying to tell me and why wouldn’t he say it straight out?  Jeremy escorted me back to the convertible like a perfect gentleman and drove me home. So here I am in my bedroom all alone, nursing a cup of cocoa and wondering will I ever see my dashing fighter pilot again?

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